The Consorzio per lo sviluppo industriale del Comune di Monfalcone (Consortium for Industrial Development of the Municipality of Monfalcone) is regulated by Regional Law 3/1999, which defines the criteria of contribution, Articles 15 and 15A of the Act.
The Consortium promotes, in its industrial clusters, the conditions for the establishment and the development of productive activities in industry. To this end the Consortium builds and operates infrastructures for industrial activities and promotes or manages business services. Business services include the provision of services for technological innovation, support in management and organization, support to industrial companies and service providers.
Services provided:
the acquiring or expropriation and planning of areas for industrial sites, including the promotional campaign for the establishment of companies in these areas, the planning and construction of infrastructures and services, as well as the planning and realization of public spaces for collective activities;
the sale and granting of plots in equipped areas;
the construction of buildings, plants, laboratories for industrial and artisanal activities, depots and warehouses in equipped areas;
the sale and leasing of buildings and facilities;
the construction and management of sewage treatment plants, storage and transport of toxic and hazardous waste;
recovery and redevelopment of abandoned industrial sites;
in-house production and distribution of electricity and heat
In addition and even outside its industrial areas, the Consortium can promote services related to:
- technological research, planning, experimentation, knowledge acquisition and technical assistance, organizational assistance, marketing, assistance related to technological progress and renewal, advice and assistance for the suitable diversification of product ranges and their market prospects;
- advice and assistance for the creation of new businesses
available services
Logistics: forecourts, intermodal terminal, parking spaces, 32km of railway sidings, 9,200 ml of roads
Accessibility: 1 km from the motorway exit, 6 km from the airport; railway station.
technological infrastructure: sewage treatment plant, power plant, power stations, sewerage. Network technology: partially covered by fiber optic communication systems (Lisert area)
Advice: start-up, direct marketing (door to door interviews, mailing lists etc.)
Other services: dredging, cleaning and deforestation, land reclamation, stabilization of embankments
EU calls: territory is located in the area covered by the program for cross-border cooperation Italy-Slovenia, Italy-Austria, MedA, Central Europe, Alpine Space
Under construction: crèche facilities, service center