
Veduta aerea della sede del Consorzio

Since years the Consortium has implemented policies and measures to improve the environmental conditions in industrial areas and is using a system of environmental certification with the ultimate goal to improve the relationship with the territory and its communities.

The Consortium for Industrial Development of the Municipality of Monfalcone is certified according to the international standard EN ISO 14001:2004 and Council Regulation (CE) No. 761/2001, better known as EMAS - Eco Management and Audit Scheme, which are voluntary standards (the first at the international level, the second at Community level) that define the requirements that an organization must meet in order to develop and implement an environmental Management system, providing for the implementation of an environmental improvement program in accordance with the provisions of the international standard.

Given the role of an active institution in territorial planning and management, the Consortium initiated actions with the purpose of improving of the environmental management of its activities, to make sure a healthy and livable environment.

Environmental Certification thus leads to a series of benefits to the Consortium that will improve its organization, monitoring the environmental aspects of its activities and promoting practices and modus operandi designed to respect the environment among the staff.